Brian Hurley
About Brian
Brian Hurley co-founded Ward Circle Strategies and brings over 20 years experience in public policy, health policy and communications. He has advised senior government officials in both the executive and legislative branches, as well as corporate and non-profit executives. Brian has deep expertise in military health and veterans issues, and oversees work that integrates the policy and communications fields. An Air Force veteran and military retiree, Brian has held leadership positions in military hospitals around the globe, and in policy positions with the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs), the Defense Health Agency, and for the Air Force Surgeon General.
Brian leads the firm’s health communications strategies. He provides strategic communications consulting to the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) and to other senior health leaders in the Department of Defense. He has also led engagements with the Department of Veterans Affairs on interagency care coordination, and has led engagements with the National Association of Community Health Centers that promote hiring of veterans in federal qualified health centers.
He has helped develop outreach strategies across a wide range of federal health care issues to include combat casualty care, health benefits, wounded warrior care, patient safety and quality, health information technology, access to care, and preventive and wellness, to name just a few.
Hurley received his undergraduate degree from The Pennsylvania State University, and a master’s degree in health policy and management from The George Washington University.
Career Highlights
- Ward Circle Strategies, Principal
- Martin-Blanck, CEO
- Assistant Secretary of Defense, Special Assistant (Health Affairs)
- Air Force, TRICARE Europe Program Manager (Overseas Regions)
- Air Force, Medical Service Corps Officer
3 Fun Facts
- Least favorite back-handed compliment: “You’re from New Jersey? You don’t sound like it.”
- I joined the Air Force, but still jumped out of perfectly good airplanes.
- Other languages spoken: baseball.